Medical Quiz

Body Movements Quiz


A fluid that lubricates the bones is ______________

A. synovial

B. oil

C. blood

D. ligament

The human skull consists of ___________ bones.

A. 18

B. 16

C. 22

D. 33

Which of the following functions is not performed by the skeleton of human body?

A. energy production

B. locomotion

C. protection

D. support

Name the type of joint that help you to nod your head

A. pivot joint

B. ball & socket joint

C. gliding joint

D. hinge joint

The breaking of a bone is called ___________

A. fracture

B. deformity

C. sprain

D. disease

The example of ball & socket joint is ____________

A. shoulder

B. skull

C. ankle

D. knee

Longest bone of a human body is ___________

A. radius

B. ulna

C. femur

D. fibula

Which of the following parts of the skull is movable?

A. upper jaw

B. ear

C. lower jaw

D. nose

The joint present between the bones of skull is a __________

A. hinge joint

B. fixed joint

C. pivot joint

D. ball & socket joint

Select the incorrect statement out of the following:

A. ligaments join the two bones together

B. tendons join the muscles to the bones

C. endoskeleton is the skeleton present inside the body

D. hinge joint allows movement in all directions

The shoulder joint is an example of ___________

A. pivot joint

B. gliding joint

C. hinge joint

D. ball & socket joint

Which of the following organs is/are protected by the rib cage?

A. heart

B. lungs

C. kidneys

D. all of these

Patella bone is located on ___________

A. knee

B. ankle

C. wrist

D. palm


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