Medical Quiz

DNA Replication Quiz

Which enzyme is responsible for adding the free nucleotides to the replicating DNA? ​

A. DNA Helicase

B. DNA Ligase

C. DNA polyermase

D. RNA Polymerase

Select your answer:


Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Carbohydrate Metabolism Diagnostic Tools Pathology Endocrine Inhalation Injury Metabolic Sauver Biocomposite Cardiovascular System Anatomy Health and Hygiene Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Coronary Heart Diseases Degeneration Pathology Transplantation Immunology Muscle & Nerve Tissue The Energy Nutrients

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Where is an eversion sprain located?

A. lateral ankle

B. medial ankle

C. between tibia and fibular

D. on the metatarsals

Muscular System Movements › View

Muscles that perform opposite actions to one another are termed ________.

A. synergists

B. prime mover

C. antagonist

D. fixator