Medical Quiz

Diagnostic Tools Quiz


Which of the following is best suit to use a known antigen to see if the person is producing antibodies?

A. Direct serological test  

B. Indirect serological test   

C. Agglutination test

D. Immunological test

A protein that stimulates the body to produce antibodies

A. Antigen

B. the fluid portion of un clotted blood

C. a red blood cell

D. Antibody

The study of blood applied to crime is called 

A. Forensic Anatomy

B. Forensic Odonotology

C. Forensic Pathology

D. Forensic Serology

What happens when blood agglutinates in response to an antibody?

A. It becomes clear

B. It clumps

C. It turns blue

D. It turns yellow

Agglutination of dyed bacterial cells represents which type of reaction

A. Direct agglutination

B. Indirect agglutination

C. Reverse passive agglutination

D. Agglutination inhibition

To determine whether a bloodstain is of human or animal origin, the serologist will perform       

A. Kastle-Meyer Color Test

B. Benzidine Color Test

C. Hemastix Strip Test

D. Precipitin Test

Where are antigens located?

A. Surface of red blood cell

B. In the serum of the blood

C. In the plasma of blood

D. Inside a red blood cell

Who discovered the ABO and Rh blood groups?

A. Oliver

B. Decastello

C. Landsteiner

D. Balthazard

What blood components are directly pertinent to blood typing?

A. RBC                 

B. WBC          

C. Plasma                          

D. Platelets

The study of antigen-antibody reactions

A. Serology

B. Crime Scene Reconstruction

C. Trace Evidenced

D. Medulla

A protein in the blood that destroys or inactivates a specific antigen is called

A. Erythrocytes    

B. Antibody  

C. Antigen

D. Enzymes

Proteins on the surface of the red blood cells that account for blood type

A. antibodies

B. antigens

C. agglutination

D. anti browns offense

Serology is defined as the examination of body parts



Serological test is also called as

A. Antibody test   

B. Antigen test    

C. Agglutination test   

D. Immunity test

A process where the red blood cells clump together by the action of an antibody.

A. Agglutination      

B. Precipitation     

C. Phenotype 

D. Genotype

Serological tests detect the presence of ___________ in the blood.

A. Antibody          

B. Antigen    

C. Leukocyte       

D. Both a and b

What determines blood type?

A. Proteins on red blood cells

B. Proteins on white blood cells

C. Proteins in the plasma

D. Proteins on platelets

Which hormone is detected in pregnancytestst?

A. Estrogen   

B. Progestrone   

C. Chrionic gonodotropin 

D. Luteinizing hormone

Which of the following is best suit to use known antibodies to identify an unknown antigen?

A. Direct serological test

B. Indirect serological test

C. Agglutination test

D. Immunological test

Blood stains are not always directly visible




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