Medical Quiz

Histology Quiz

The study of tissues is known as:
A. histology
B. proctology
C. dermatology
D. oncology

Select your answer:


Biology Regulating the Cell Cycle Oncology Malaria Safety Terms Healthcare Systems and Insurance Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Respiratory Functional Neuroanatomy of the CNS Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Digestion and Microbes Central Nervous System Oronasal Suctioning BTEC Biological Approach Revise Characteristics of Life

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Which way can people best reduce land pollution caused by large amounts of waste dumped in landfills?
A. They can use a water filter to use fewer water bottles.
B. They can recycle their plastic, glass, paper, and cardboard items and only throw away non-recyclable items.
C. They can watch less television, reducing electricity use and allowing their electronics to last much longer.
D. They can refill large plastic containers, like those used for laundry detergent, instead of throwing them away.

Embryology › View

Common ancestry relates to evolution because

A. evolution only happens when there are common ancestors.

B. Common ancestors make evolution happen more quickly.

C. evolution can never take place with common ancestors.

D. the more two organisms have in common, the more recent is their common ancestor during their evolution.