Medical Quiz

Histology Quiz


What type of muscle tissues is “involuntary muscle?”

A. Cardiac

B. Skeletal

C. Smooth

D. None

E. A and B

What is histology?

A. Study of organs

B. Study of different types of tissue

C. Study of histamines

D. Study of skin

Name the Tissue Type:
A. Bone
B. Reticular
C. Areolar
D. Smooth muscle

Name the Tissue Type:
A. Blood
B. Simple cuboidal
C. Reticular
D. Areolar

Name the Tissue Type:
A. Simple Columnar
B. Simple Cuboidal
C. Pseuodstratified columnar
D. Keratinized stratified sq.

Lack of blood cells

A. Tissue

B. Avascularity

C. Histology

D. Innervation

Identify the picture
A. Simple squamous
B. Simple cuboidal
C. Stratified squamous
D. Simple columnar

What type of muscle is this?
A. skeletal
B. cardiac
C. bone
D. smooth

Name the Tissue Type:
A. Skeletal muscle
B. Smooth muscle
C. Cardiac muscle
D. Organ muscle

The muscle tissue shown is called ______.
A. Skeletal
B. Cardiac
C. Smooth

This Connective Tissue binds and packs around organs

A. Areolar

B. Elastic

C. Adipose

D. Irregular

How do we classify epithelial tissue?

A. Shape

B. Shape and number of layers

C. Counting the number of individual cells

D. Squamous

What are the types of tissues in the human body?

A. Epithelial

B. Connective

C. Muscle

D. Nervous

E. All Above

This junction occurs when microfilaments extend from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane

A. Tight

B. Adhering

C. Desmosomes

D. Gap

This is the study of tissue and its relationship between organs

A. Tissue

B. Avascularity

C. Histology

D. Anatomy

Epithelial tissue:
A. conducts nerve impulses
B. stores fat
C. covers and lines body parts
D. moves the body

What does pseudostratified mean?

A. Many layers of cells

B. Single layer that looks like many layers of cells

C. Single layer of cells

D. No layer of cells

Name the Tissue Type:
A. Nervous
B. Simple cuboidal
C. Reticular
D. Bone

This is classified as liquid connective tissue:
A. saliva
B. blood
C. semen
D. sweat

Name the Tissue Type:
A. Simple columnar
B. Simple cuboidal
C. Pseuodstratified columnar
D. Transitional

Columnar cells can best be described as:
A. flat and thin
B. tall and wide
C. shaped like cubes
D. hexagonal

This Connective Tissue protects, insulates, and stores fat

A. Reticular

B. Elastic

C. Adipose

D. Irregular

This junction acts as a button or snap between adjacent cells.

A. Tight

B. Adhering

C. Desmosomes

D. Gap

This specialized cell fights off foreign invaders


B. Mast Cells


D. Macrophages

In which body structure would we find smooth muscle?

A. Heart

B. hamstring muscles

C. bladder

D. skin


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