Medical Quiz

Biology Quiz


An innate behavior can be described by which of the following?

A. Must be learned

B. Not necessary for survival

C. Present at birth and performed correctly from the first time

D. Learned from experiences

its middle layer is less thick and there are less elastic fibers

A. artery

B. vein

C. blood capillary

D. blood platelet

What is the study of bacteria?

A. Embryology

B. Physiology

C. Bacteriology

D. Zoology

What type of respiration occurs in all higher organisms?

A. Aerobic Respiration

B. Anaerobic Respiration

C. Both 1 and 2

D. Cheyne-Stokes respiration

What is the study of small living things

A. Genetics

B. Marine Biology

C. Botany

D. Microbiology

Do fungi have a cell wall?

A. Yes

B. No

What is the genotype for this organism?
(E= 3 eyes, e= 1 eye)
B. Ee
C. ee
D. EE or Ee

When animal learns to ignore harmless stimuli like a scarecrow, what type of learning is this? 
A. innate learning
B. classical conditioning 
C. habituation 
D. trial and error learning 

The most basic unit of a living organism is…

A. A box

B. A cell

C. A cellular component

D. A battery

When an atom gains an electron from another atom, it becomes a/an ___.

A. isotope

B. negative ion

C. positive ion

D. molecule

Which organ is not considered part of the digestive system?

A. Spleen

B. Colon

C. Pancreas

D. Small Intestine

This picture is a good example of
A.     Growth
B.     Development
C.     Organelle
D.     Cell

Which organ is the main digester and absorber of food?

A. Colon

B. Stomach

C. Liver

D. Small intestine

The blood that reaches the brain cells, leaves the heart from the ……….

A. right atrium

B. right ventricle

C. left atrium

D. left ventricle

Cells make
A.     tissues.
B.     organs.
C.     systems.
D.     organelles.

The science of the forms of life that existed in prehistoric or geologic periods.

A. Evolution

B. Paleontology

C. Entomology

D. Anthropology

Which of the following genotypes is heterozygous?
A. Bb
C. bb
D. B

An organism’s physical appearance or visible traits “What you look like”


B. Phenotype

C. Genotype

D. Mutation

Which of the following is NOT an innate behavior?

A. a baby sucking

B. a spider spinning a web

C. a child playing the piano

D. a bird building a nest

Behaviors or body structures that help organisms survive are called _.

A. adaptations

B. organs

C. metabolism

D. development

What type of bonds are present in this diagram?

A. metallic

B. concurrent

C. ionic

D. covalent

To the nearest thousand, how many genes does a human have?

A. 5,000

B. 10,000

C. 20,000

D. 40,000

The three particles that make up an atom are ___.

A. protons, neutrons, and isotopes

B. neutrons, isotopes, and electrons

C. positives, negatives, and electrons

D. protons, neutrons, and electrons

Salmonella is a…

A. Fungus

B. Virus

C. Bacteria

What does a bacterial cell have that an animal cell doesn’t?

A. Flagella

B. Cytoplasm

C. Cell membrane


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