Medical Quiz

Central Nervous System Quiz


A_______is what your body does in reaction to a stimuli. 

A. reaction

B. response

C. change

Which is the stimuli and which is the response?
Heat from the sun

A. Sweating is the stimuli, heat is the response

B. Heat is the stimuli, sweating is the response

What is an example of your body maintaining homeostasis? 

A. Your internal body temperature is 98.6o.

B. The hair growing on your head. 

C. Your fingernails and toenails breaking when they get too long. 

This part controls your emotions and keeps your body at the right temperature.

A. thalamus

B. hemisphere

C. hypothalamus

D. cerebrum

Which part of the cerebral cortex allows us to consciously move skeletal muscles?

A. Broca’s Area

B. Primary Motor Area

C. Anterior Association Area

D. Primary Sensory Somatic Area

Which protection of the brain forms a watery cushion to protect fragile nervous tissue from blows and other trauma, helps the brain “float” so it is not damaged by pressure of own weight?

A. meninges

B. blood-brain barrier

C. cerebrospinal fluid

Which part of the nervous system controls autonomous reflexes such as the heart rate, breathing, swallowing, vomiting, peristalsis, etc?

A. brain stem

B. hypothalamus

C. cerebrum

D. cerebellum

E. spinal cord

What is “homeostasis”?

A. The body’s ability to react to a stimuli. 

B. The body’s ability to keep everything inside it in balance. 

Occipital Lobes are responsible for: 

A. balance

B. vision

C. hearing

D. movement

What are the shallow grooves on the cerebral hemispheres?

A. gyri

B. sulci

C. fissure

D. commissure

The 3 layers of meninges from superficial to deep are

A. dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater

B. pia mater, arachnoid mater, dura mater

C. arachnoid mater, pia mater, dura mater

D. dura mater, pia mater, arachnoid mater

What are the deep grooves on the cerebral hemispheres that separate the halves and lobes?

A. gyri

B. sulci

C. fissure

D. commissure

The frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes make up the_______

A. brain stem.

B. cerebrum.

C. cerebellum. 

What would your body’s response be to having the flame of a candle getting too close to your hand?

A. To sweat

B. To yell

C. To pull your hand away

What results when blood circulation to a brain area is blocked and brain tissue dies?

A. Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) (stroke)

B. concussion

C. intracranial hemorrhage

D. cerebral edema

What is the term for the raised ridges on the cerebral hemispheres?

A. gyri

B. sulci

C. fissure

D. commissure

Which part of the brain controls all involuntary actions?

A. brain stem

B. cerebrum

C. cerebellum

What is the main function of the temporal lobe?

A. Speech, thinking, touch

B. Speech, taste, reading

C. Hearing, smell

D. sight

If you had one word to describe the function of the parietal lobe it would be:

A. Movement

B. Sensory

C. Balance

D. Emotions

The diencephalon is composed primarily of ____________.

A. the cerebellum, brain stem and cerebrum

B. the brain stem, hippocampus and amygdala

C. the thalamus, hypothalamus and pituitary gland

D. the midbrain, pons and cerebrum

What part of the brain controls you movement, sense of touch, taste, and temperature?

A. temporal lobe

B. occipital lobe

C. parietal lobe

D. cerebellum

E. frontal Lobe

Sally has a brain injury; she knows what she wants to say but can’t vocalize the words. The part of her brain that deals with the ability to say words properly is the ________.

A. medulla

B. amygdala

C. central sulcus

D. Broca’s area

Connective tissues which protect the brain and spinal cord are called the __________.

A. vertebrae

B. cranium

C. meninges

D. spinal nerves

The nervous system lets your body know what is going on around you and______________

A. changes what is bad for your body.

B. maintains the conditions inside your body such as your temperature. 

The brain is made up of three major parts. What are they?

A. The occipital lobe, the parietal lobe, and the frontal lobe. 

B. The spinal cord, the cerebrum, and the cerebellum. 

C. The brain stem, the cerebrum, and the cerebellum. 


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