★ History of Immunology Quiz
who was awarded Nobel prize for work on Anaphylaxis?
A. Edward jenner
B. Jules Bordet
C. Charles Richet
Select your answer:
Bonding and the Periodic Table Pathology - Cellular Injury Anxiety Disorders Human Brain Lymphatic System Radiology Infection Control Nail Disorders and Diseases Digestive System Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Urinary System and Fluid Balance Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Muscular System NCHSE Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Gene Cloning Anatomy Respiratory SystemOther quiz:
Health › ViewThis condition in which the spine has an abnormal sideways curve.
A. Hyperlordosis
B. Scoliosis
C. Kyphosis
Science Reproduction › View
In the female system the place where ovas are released place is the
A. oviduct
B. ovary
C. uterus
D. vagina