Medical Quiz

Glucose in the Body Quiz


The primary storage sites of glycogen in the human body are

A. Liver and heart

B. Brain and skeletal muscle

C. Liver and brain

D. Liver and skeletal muscle

Which hormone is transported by the bloodstream?

A. insulin

B. glucagon

C. both insulin and glucagon

D. neither insulin nor glucagon

Which hormone increases cell membrane permeability to glucose?

A. insulin

B. glucagon

C. both insulin and glucagon

D. neither insulin nor glucagon

Proteins are often needed for purposes other than providing energy. Carbohydrates in the diet support these purposes through

A. protein condensation action

B. protein-hydrolytic action

C. protein-using action

D. protein-sparing action

T/F: People can prevent type 2 diabetes



Hormone that causes blood sugar to be lowered

A. Glucagon

B. Glycogen

C. Insulin

D. Glucose

Which hormone is produced by the liver?

A. insulin

B. glucagon

C. both insulin and glucagon

D. neither insulin nor glucagon

Diabetes is defined best as…

A. A metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar

B. A metabolic disease characterized by low blood sugar

C. A family of blood infections

D. None of the above

Which hormone is produced when the blood glucose concentration is below normal?

A. insulin

B. glucagon

C. both insulin and glucagon

D. neither insulin nor glucagon

A steady or balanced state of the body

A. Homeostasis

B. Homeopathy

C. Negative feedback

D. Positive feedback

E. Nutrition

T/F: Most people who have type 2 diabetes are overweight



T/F: People can prevent type 1 diabetes



A person ate a meal rich of carbohydrates. Which hormone is likely produced after the food is digested and absorbed?

A. insulin

B. glucagon

C. both insulin and glucagon

D. neither insulin nor glucagon

Gland that secretes hormones that regulate blood glucose

A. Liver

B. Adrenals

C. Pancreas

D. Thyroid

Ketosis can be dangerous because it upsets the body’s

A. kcal requirements

B. acid-base balance

C. fasting blood glucose levels

D. peristalsis

Which hormone signals the liver to convert glycogen to glucose?

A. insulin

B. glucagon

C. both insulin and glucagon

D. neither insulin nor glucagon

Skeletal muscles collectively store about ___% of the body’s glycogen stores.

A. 25

B. 45

C. 75

D. 100

Which hormone activates its function at the pancreas?

A. insulin

B. glucagon

C. both insulin and glucagon

D. neither insulin nor glucagon

Which hormone is produced when the blood glucose concentration is above normal?

A. insulin

B. glucagon

C. both insulin and glucagon

D. neither insulin nor glucagon

Monosaccharide that is found in blood

A. Maltose

B. Fructose

C. Sucrose

D. Glucose

E. Starch

Which condition reflects insensitivity of cells to insulin?

A. type 1 diabetes

B. type 2 diabetes

C. type 3 diabetes

D. hypoglycemia

Which hormone signals for the conversion of glucose to glycogen?

A. insulin

B. glucagon

C. both insulin and glucagon

D. neither insulin nor glucagon

The process of converting protein into glucose in times of low carbohydrate intake

A. glycolysis

B. glycogenolysis

C. gluconeogenesis

D. glucagon

E. ketosis

Hormone that causes blood sugar to be raised

A. Glucagon

B. Glycogen

C. Insulin

D. Glucose

A person has not eaten for 12 hours. Which hormone is likely being produced consistently during this time?

A. insulin

B. glucagon

C. both insulin and glucagon

D. neither insulin nor glucagon


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