Medical Quiz

Branches of Microbiology Quiz

An organism that lives on or in a host, and causes it harm while it takes its nutrients is called

A. a host

B. a parasite

C. a cell

D. a virus

Select your answer:


Body Fluids & Circulation History of Medicine Bacteria Leaves Cell Theory & Melanoma Arteries Cholera Essential Nutrients Transplantation Immunology Health Care Blood and Hematology Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular Pathology of Respiratory System Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Hearing Impairment

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Which of the following is not a way to keep healthy?

A. sleeping 8 hours

B. having a balanced diet

C. being with friends

D. drinking 3 litres of water

E. having a hobby

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Identify the picture
A. Pseudostratified columnar
B. Simple squamous
C. Simple cuboidal
D. Simple columnar