Medical Quiz

Bacteria Quiz


What type of viruses infect bacteria?

A. adenovirus

B. plasmid

C. bacteriophage

D. fimbriae

This bacteria causes a sore throat

A. Staph

B. Strep

C. E. Coli

D. Salmonella

What do we use to treat bacterial infections?

A. vaccines

B. antivirals

C. antibiotics

D. toxins

Which statement about bacteria is true?

A. All bacteria are prokaryotes

B. All bacteria are eukaryotes

C. All bacteria are autotrophs

D. All bacteria are heterotrophs

Organisms that break down food large, complex chemicals in dead organisms into small, simple chemicals

A. ribosomes

B. flagelllum

C. conjugation

D. decomposers

The three extreme environments that Archaea live in are all of the following EXCEPT

A. salt-loving. 

B. methane-making. 

C. nitrogen-fixating. 

D. heat-loving.

Tiny single-celled organisms that live almost everywhere

A. ribosomes

B. cytoplasm

C. bacteria

D. virus

Prokaryotes that need oxygen to survive

A. Obligate anaerobes

B. Obligate aerobes

C. Facultative aerobes

D. Endospores

Chemicals that kill bacteria or impede their growth are called

A. toxins

B. vaccines

C. antibiotics

D. antivirals

Any disease causing agent is called a

A. pathogen

B. virus

C. bacteria

D. microorganism

Prokaryotes move using a long whip-like structure called a

A. cilia

B. flagella

C. pili

D. fimbriae

Rod shaped bacteria are called

A. cocci

B. bacilli

C. spirochete

D. globular

Which bacteria is known causing food poisoning when eating undercooked red meat?

A. Salmonella

B. E. Coli

C. Botulism

D. Listeria

What is the job of the cell wall in bacteria?

A. To provide protection

B. To make protiens

C. To hold organelles in place

D. To hold water and nutrients

How are bacterial cells different from the cells of eukaryotes?

A. The bacteria are prokaryotes, and the genetic material is not contained in the nuclei.

B. The bacteria are eukaryotes, and the genetic material is not contained in the nuclei.

C. The bacteria are prokaryotes, and the genetic material is contained in the nuclei.

D. The bacteria are eukaryotes, and the genetic material is contained in the nuclei.

What is the term used when bacteria are used to break down waste?

A. biofilm

B. metagenomics

C. microbiota

D. bioremediation

Bacteria receive new genes through a process called

A. transduction

B. conjugation

C. binary fission

D. pili transfer

The ability of bacteria to survive and become “stronger” even after antibiotic treatment is called

A. cellular respiration

B. endospore formation

C. antibody resistance

D. antibiotic resistance

A process by which bacteria reproduce asexually

A. binary fission

B. cellular respiration

C. pasteurization

D. decomposers

What is the process by which a bacteria cell replicates its DNA and divides in half?

A. Lysis

B. Binary Fission

C. Conjugation

D. Prophage

A whip-like structure that helps a bacterial cell to move

A. Flagellum

B. Conjugation

C. Endospore

D. Pasteurization

What color are gram negative bacteria?

A. purple

B. pink

C. blue

D. green

Live bacteria are found in milk, cheese and yogurt



The region inside the cell membrane of a bacterium

A. bacteria

B. endospore

C. cytoplasm

D. decomposers

Tiny structures that produce proteins inside bacteria

A. bacteria

B. ribosomes

C. cytoplasm

D. endospore


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