Medical Quiz

Bones Quiz

What is the bone at 5?

A. Skull

B. Clavicle

C. Sternum

D. Ribs

Select your answer:


Body Fluids and Blood Cells Enzymes and ATP Structure Hospitality Mitosis Neuron Structure Cardiology Cariology Muscular System Cell and Muscle Histology Blood Pathology Heart and Blood Vessels Pediatrics Asexual Reproduction Circulatory & Respiratory System The Cell Cycle

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How can large numbers of spoilage organisms affect food?

A. Cause discoloration

B. Cause odor

C. Cause slime

D. All of the above

Neurology › View

Each neuron contains one long trunk called a(n) ________.

A. dendrite

B. synapse

C. brain stem

D. axon