Medical Quiz

Cardiology Quiz


Using the 12 lead ECG, identify the location of the STEMI:

A. Anterior

B. Inferior

C. Septal

D. Lateral

What would you expect the peripheral resistance to be in a person who has increased blood pressure (obese person)? Let’s say P = 120

A. R=13

B. R=24

C. R=16

D. R=12

E. R=20

Which of the following medications is a class III antiarrhythmic?

A. Diltiazem

B. Adenosine

C. Amiodarone

D. Procainamide

Which of the following would NOT result in edema?

A. low BP

B. high arterial blood pressure

C. obstruction of lymphatic drainage

D. cardiac failure

E. venous obstruction

Your patient is complaining of chest pain and presents with the ECG shown. BP 128/74, P 90, RR 24 non-labored, SpO2 92% on room air. What is the appropriate treatment?

A. Administer supplemental oxygen, aspirin, and perform a right sided ECG
B. Administer supplemental oxyen, aspirin, nitroglycerin and perform a right sided ECG

C. Administer aspirin, nitro and perform right sided ECG

D. Administer supplemental oxygen and perform right sided ECG

What is the cardiac output when the blood pressure difference is 50 and the resistance of the blood vessel is 20?

A. 3.2

B. 2.5

C. 4

D. 6

E. 5

What is the normal resistance of blood vessels for a normal patient?

A. 90 PRU

B. 40 PRU

C. 60 PRU

D. 20 PRU

E. 30 PRU

Which is not the correct variable meaning for Ohms Law?

A. R is the resistance of the vessel

B. Q is blood flow

C. P is the difference in pressure

You are currently treating a patient who is unresponsive and apneic. While managing the patient’s ventilations you notice the patient converts to ventricular fibrillation. You should:

A. Adminiter epi 1:10,000

B. Start CPR

C. Defibrillate the patient

D. Administer amiodarone

What is the definition of blood ejected by a ventricle in 1 min.

A. blood pressure

B. hypertension

C. cardiac output

D. heart rate

Select the ECG abnormality that is present on this ECG strip:

A. Lateral ischemia

B. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

C. Anterior ST elevation

D. Right axis deviation

What is the ejection fraction amount?

A. 120 ml

B. 70 ml

C. 50 ml

D. 60%

Your patient is complaining of generalized weakness and presents with the following ECG. BP 112/70, Pulse matches ECG strip, RR 20, SpO2-94%. You should

A. Perform Transcutaneous pacing

B. Administer Amiodarone

C. Administer atropine

D. Attempt vagal maneuvers

What would you expect the peripheral resistance to be in a person who has decreased blood pressure (aerobic athlete with more anastomoses, so they have more blood vessels but same amount of blood)? Let’s say P = 80

A. R=2

B. R=10

C. R=16

D. R=24

E. R=21

What is the end diastolic volume (EDV) amount?

A. 70 ml

B. 50 ml

C. 60%

D. 120 ml

A patient with a lower than normal resistance due to being an athlete and developing larger arteries, their cardiac output would be

A. increased

B. normal

C. decreased

What is the peripheral resistance of a person who has increased cardiac output? Using values Q=6 and P=100, use formula R=P/Q, what does R equal?

A. 14

B. 20

C. 12

D. 16

You are assessing a 68 year old male patient complaining of dizziness. The patient has pink, warm, and dry skin. BP 116/76, R 24 non-labored, P 184 and SpO2 96% on room air. Your ECG reveals a tachycardic rhythm with a QRS duration of 0.18 seconds. Which treatment would be appropriate?

A. Administer Amiodarone

B. Attempt vagal maneuvers

C. Perform cardioversion

D. Administer diltiazem

Bradykinin, Histamine, Elevated temperatures, Lactic acid, and Carbon dioxide are all examples of?

A. Vasoconstrictors

B. Vasodilators

C. Hypotension

D. Atropine

E. Tylenol

Your patient is apenic and pulseless. Your ECG reveals a mobitz 2 av block at a rate of 40. You should:

A. Administer atropine

B. Perform transcutaneous pacing

C. Perform defibrillation

D. Administer Epinephrine

Quantity of blood that passes a given point in the circulation in a given period of time.

A. blood pressure

B. blood flow

C. ejection fraction

D. heart rate

What is the blood pressure of a person who has increased heart output due to overhydration? Using the values Q=6 and R=20, use formula P=Q*R, what does P equal?

A. 110

B. 150

C. 130

D. 120

What is the normal adult blood pressure?

A. 90/60

B. 110/70

C. 140/90

D. 120/80 mmHg

E. 90/20

If you have an ejection volume of 70 ml and a HR 65 bpm what is the cardiac output?

A. 4550 ml/min

B. 3500 ml/min

C. 4800 ml/min

D. 5000 ml/min

You are treating a 67 year old male complaining of chest pain. He rates the pain at a 10/10 and describes the pain as a tearing sensation that he also feels in his back and shoulders. Your assessment reveals that the patients blood pressure is 30mmHg lower in his left arm than his right arm. You should suspect:

A. Left ventricular heart failure

B. Acute pulmonary embolism

C. Acute myocardial infarction

D. Acute aortic dissection


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