Medical Quiz

Neuron Structure Quiz


A. dendrites

B. cell body

C. axon

D. axon terminals

Releases neurotransmitters

A. dendrites

B. cell body

C. axon

D. axon terminals

White matter mostly consists of

A. dendrites

B. cell bodies

C. axons

D. axon terminals

Carries action potentials over potentially long distances

A. dendrites

B. cell body

C. axon

D. axon terminals

May receive neurotransmitters

A. dendrites

B. cell body

C. axon

D. axon terminals

Because neurons are electrically active, they are referred to as

A. excitable

B. amitotic

C. contractile

D. nonliving

E. charged

Receives information

A. dendrites

B. cell body

C. axon

D. axon terminals


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