Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

What does the chemical formula C6H12O6 represent?

A. Oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Hydroxide
D. Glucose

Select your answer:


Nephrology (Hemodialysis) The Microbial World Types of Immunity Endocrine System and Nervous System History of Medicine Body Fluids and Blood Cells Homeostasis and Disease Nervous System and Special Senses Histology: Cell & Epithelial Tissue Human Body and Pathogens PHE Health Terms for The Skeletal System Disease & Immunity Heredity

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Health and Diseases › View

The first vaccince was discovered by whom and for protection against which disease?

A. Albert Einstein for polio

B. Issac Newton for Dysentry

C. Edward Jenner for small pox

D. Thomas Edison for Malaria

Molecular Basis of Inheritance › View

The process of transformation is not affected by which of the following enzymes?

a) DNase
b) RNase
c) Peptidase
d) Lipase

A. A, B

B. A, B, C, D

C. B, C, D

D. A, B, C