Medical Quiz

Terms for The Skeletal System Quiz


The outside of the bone is called the ________________________

A. periosteum

B. cancellous

C. endosteum

D. compact

The root word for curved, swayback or bent is:

A. synovi/o

B. lord/o

C. scoli/o

D. spondyl/o

What is the name given to the end of a long bone?

A. Compact bone

B. Epiphysis

C. Diaphysis

D. Periosteum

Anterior curve in lumbar spine

A. lordosis

B. kyphosis

C. scoliosis

The root word for bone is:

A. cost/o

B. lord/o

C. chondr/o

D. oste/o

Which of the following would be classified as in the appendicular skeleton?

A. ribs

B. Fibula

C. Sternum

D. skull

Arthr/o means

A. bone

B. joint

C. muscle

D. tendon

The bone building process is called_______.

A. collagen

B. ossification

C. hypertrophy

D. getting stronger

An injury to a ligament is called a _______.

A. sprain

B. strain

C. contusion

D. cramp

“Crani/o” means:

A. rib

B. skull

C. pain

D. joint

“-lysis” means:

A. toward, near

B. away from

C. curved, bent

D. loosening, setting free

A Podiatrist would see you as a patient if you had an injured_______________.

A. hand

B. knee

C. foot

D. back

Spondyl/o means:

A. vertebrae

B. cranium

C. skull

D. costae

The suffix “-desis” means:

A. loosening, setting free

B. bind, tie together

C. crooked, bent

D. without, lack of

Rickets is caused by a lack of which vitamin? 

A. A

B. D

C. E

D. C


Glucose in the Body Common Diseases in Human Beings Urinary System and Fluid Balance Enzymes and Movement of Substances Excretion Genetics and Probability History of Immunology Bone Development and Remodeling Atoms and Radioactivity Nutrition & Wellness Medical Terminology Prefixes Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Renal Nucleic Acids Skeletal Tissue