Medical Quiz

Terms for The Skeletal System Quiz


Which of the following would be classified as in the appendicular skeleton?

A. ribs

B. Fibula

C. Sternum

D. skull

Rickets is caused by a lack of which vitamin? 

A. A

B. D

C. E

D. C

A Podiatrist would see you as a patient if you had an injured_______________.

A. hand

B. knee

C. foot

D. back

The root word for “rib” is:

A. chondr/o

B. cost/o

C. arthr/o

D. ankyl/o

The outside of the bone is called the ________________________

A. periosteum

B. cancellous

C. endosteum

D. compact

Synovial membrane or fluid is the meaning for:

A. scoli/o

B. lord/o

C. synovi/o

D. spondyl/o

The root word for bone is:

A. cost/o

B. lord/o

C. chondr/o

D. oste/o

Which of the following would be classified as in the axial skeleton?

A. Humerus

B. Femur

C. Sternum

D. Carpal bones

_________ is an exaggerated lateral ( side to side) curve of the spine

A. kyphosis

B. lordosis

C. scoliosis

“-lysis” means:

A. toward, near

B. away from

C. curved, bent

D. loosening, setting free

Anterior curve in lumbar spine

A. lordosis

B. kyphosis

C. scoliosis

The suffix “-desis” means:

A. loosening, setting free

B. bind, tie together

C. crooked, bent

D. without, lack of

A break in bone that does not penetrate the skin

A. stress fracture

B. closed fracture

C. compound fracture

D. open fracture

The femur and humerus could be classified as

A. Short Bones

B. Long Bones

C. Irregular Bones

D. Flat Bones

Lumb/o means

A. lumbar

B. hump

C. normal

D. neck

“Crani/o” means:

A. rib

B. skull

C. pain

D. joint

This disease translates to “pourous bone” which is weak, thin and easily breakable bone.

A. osteoporosis

B. scoliosis

C. kyphosis

D. spondylitis

What is the name given to the end of a long bone?

A. Compact bone

B. Epiphysis

C. Diaphysis

D. Periosteum

The suffix “-algia” means:

A. pain

B. surgery

C. endoscopy

D. inflammation

Chondr/o means

A. rib

B. cartilage

C. joint

D. ligament

Kyph/o means

A. hump

B. lumbar

C. swayback

D. neck

The root word for curved, swayback or bent is:

A. synovi/o

B. lord/o

C. scoli/o

D. spondyl/o

Arthr/o means

A. bone

B. joint

C. muscle

D. tendon






The bone building process is called_______.

A. collagen

B. ossification

C. hypertrophy

D. getting stronger


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