Medical Quiz

DNA Replication Quiz

Which is the third step?

A. DNA Helicase unwinds original DNA strand

B. RNA Primase lays down RNA primer for new nucleotide bases.

C. DNA polymerase builds new strands by bring in new nucleotide bases.

D. Ligase knits together fragments on lagging strand

Select your answer:


Confusion, Dementia, & Alzheimers Disease Animal Genetics and Nutrition Lifetime Wellness Health Joints Mouth - Stomach Fitness Oncology Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Human Anatomy Study Guide Mycology Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Child Development Bacteria & Viruses Transport system in Living Things (Human)

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B. body mass index

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Extinction can occur because of which of the following?
A. All can be causes of extinction.
B. Increased competition with other species
C. New predators within the environment
D. Loss of habitat and/or catastrophes