Medical Quiz

Skin Structure Quiz

What is the muscle that pulls hair upright?

A. bicep femoris

B. arrector pili

C. hair follicle

D. arrector spinae

Select your answer:


Macronutrients & Micronutrients Gene Expression Pulse DNA and Genetic Manipulation Microorganism - Diseases Child Development Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Anatomy & Physiology Living Organisms Transplantation Immunology Hormones Mitosis HHB Immunology Nutritional Measurements Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions

Other quiz:

Muscular System › View

Which cell organelle provides energy for muscle contraction?

A. lysosome

B. nucleus

C. endoplasmic reticulum

D. mitochondria

Healthy Foundations › View

Which of the following is a part of your social environment?

A. family

B. peers

C. culture/community

D. all of the above