Medical Quiz

Endocrinology Quiz

The picture below best describes the activity of what type of hormone…
A. Lipid-Soluable Hormones
B. Water-Soluable Hormones

Select your answer:


Macromolecules Lifestyle Diseases Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health Skeleton and Muscles BTEC Biological Approach Revise Microbial Growth Nutrition Dermatology Vocabulary Disease Prevention The Chemistry of Microbiology Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Respiratory and Urinary Hematology Health & Wellness Vocabulary Weight Management

Other quiz:

Embryology › View

Analyze the seashell found in the white layer. Which statement is true of the rock layer that contains this fossil?

A. It could also contain a fossil from the bottom layer.

B. It is older than the layers below it.

C. It is younger than the layers above it.

D. It is older than the layers above it.

SSTI and Bone Infections › View

CA is a 54 year old male with a mild erysipelas. He is allergic to PCN (rash and difficulty breathing). He is currently taking pioglitazone, metformin, enalapril, atorvastatin, and aspirin as an outpatient. Which of the following is the best option for empiric therapy as an outpatient?

A. Cephalexin 500mg Q6H PO

B. Dicloxacillin 500mg Q6H PO

C. Penicillin VK 500mg Q6H PO

D. Clindamycin 300mg Q6H PO