Medical Quiz

Branches of Medicine Quiz

The study of the heart and associated vessels is called

A. pulmonology

B. cardiology

C. histology

D. hematology

Select your answer:


Oral Hygiene Hemodynamic Disorder Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System Levels of Organization Carbohydrates Respiratory and Urinary Heart and Circulatory System Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Children Well-being Metabolic Sauver Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Infectious Disease and Pathogens Joints & Movement The Microbial World Orthopedic Surgeon

Other quiz:

Child Development › View

Poverty, malnutrition, and a lack of adequate medical care are examples of

A. nature.

B. socioemotional development.

C. nurture.

D. behavior genetics.

Musculoskeletal System › View

Muscles can _____, but not _______.

A. pull, push

B. push, pull