Medical Quiz

Levels of Organization Quiz


A group of similar cells that perform the same function.

A. tissue

B. organelle

C. mass

D. tendon

This system helps rids the body of wastes.

A. excretory

B. circulatory

C. digestive

D. endocrine

 Which of the following is NOT one of the systems involved in producing movement?

A. nervous

B. muscular

C. skeletal

D. respiratory

A structure made up of different types of tissue and performs a specific job.

A. cells

B. tissue

C. organ

D. organ system

Tissues that provide support for your body and connects all its parts.

A. connective

B. skeletal

C. neuromuscular

D. epidermal

A group of organs that work together to perform a major function is an organ

A. system

B. column

C. bank

D. stack

Tissues that cover the surfaces of your body, both inside and out

A. epithelial

B. connective

C. human

D. sensory

A signal in the environment that makes you react.

A. stimulus

B. registry

C. omen

D. preparation

The basic unit of structure and function for the body.

A. cell

B. atom

C. organelle

D. nucleus

Chemicals that create changes inside of your body.

A. hormones

B. enzymes

C. proteins

D. acids

The reaction of your body to possibly threatening, challenging or uncomfortable events.

A. stress

B. tension

C. emphasis

D. anxiety

A stable internal environment

A. homeostasis

B. homozygous

C. heteropathic

D. hemoglobin

This system allows things to move within the body.

A. circulatory

B. integumentary

C. vascular

D. muscular

Tissues that can contract.

A. muscle

B. connective

C. epidermal

D. cardiac

Tissues that can carry messages.

A. nervous

B. epithelial

C. auditory

D. complex


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