Medical Quiz

Oral Hygiene Quiz


A resident wants to brush his teeth before lunch what should you do?

A. help him as needed

B. tell him this is done after meals

C. ask the nurse if he can brush his teeth

D. check his care plan

when brushing an unconscious person’s teeth you:

A. position the brush at a 45 degree angle to the gums

B. brush from the crown to the gum

C. use sponge swabs

D. turn the person’s head well to the side

when giving oral hygiene you need to wear:

A. gloves

B. gown

C. mask

D. face shield

label a patients denture cup with their name and:

A. room and bed number

B. doctors name

C. diagnosis

D. the center’s name and address

Inflammation of tissues around the teeth:

A. periodontal disease

B. plaque

C. oral hygiene

D. tartar

Oral hygiene does which of the following?

A. Increases oral pain

B. decreases the ability to taste food

C. reduces the risk of cavities and periodontal disease

D. promotes plaque and tartar buildup

flossing removes:

A. cavities

B. enamel

C. food from between teeth

D. food from the surfaces of the teeth

Infants do not need oral hygiene until the first tooth erupts?



C. Sometimes

D. Almost never

a resident has the following oral hygiene equipment, which should you report to the nurse?

A. toothpaste

B. dental floss

C. hard-bristled toothbrush

D. mouthwash

what should you do with dentures when a patient takes them out for sleep:

A. store them in the denture cup filled with not water

B. store them in a denture cup filled with cool or warm water

C. put them in the top drawer of her bedside stand

D. wrap the in a napkin and set the on the over bed table within her reach

how do you position an unconscious patient to do oral hygiene:

A. Fowler’s position

B. supine position

C. side-lying position

D. prone position

when flossing teeth the floss is moved?

A. left to right

B. right to left

C. up and down

D. side to side

a resident uses a cleaning agent for his dentures. when using the cleaning agent you should:

A. use hot water

B. use cool water

C. follow the manufacturer’s instructions

D. ask the person what to do.

to clean a residents lower dentures you need to:

A. line the sink with a towel

B. clean it over the kidney basin

C. use very hot water

D. use toothpaste and a toothbrush

you should assume an unconscious patient can:

A. hear you

B. see you

C. respond to you

D. smell

when removing lower dentures for a patient use:

A. gauze squares

B. a washcloth

C. an orange stick

D. a padded tongue blade

you finish brushing a patient’s teeth what should you do next?

A. let the person rinse their mouth with water

B. floss their teeth

C. let them use mouthwash

D. brush their tongue

a patient receiving oxygen therapy needs frequent oral care because of:

A. dry mouth

B. a bad taste in the mouth

C. plaque

D. tarter

a patient needs oral hygiene, the nurse and care plan tell you which of the following?

A. how many teeth the person has

B. what time to give oral hygiene

C. how much help the person needs

D. how to give oral hygiene

to keep the unconscious person’s mouth open during oral care you need to use:

A. sponge swabs

B. padded tongue blade

C. your fingers

D. an orange stick

a resident flosses once a day, when is the best time to floss?

A. in the morning

B. after meals

C. whenever the person feels like it

D. at bedtime

when flossing a person’s teeth you need to:

A. use sponge swabs

B. break off an 18 inch piece of dental floss from the dispenser

C. give the floss dispenser to the person to tear their own floss

D. use the bristles of the toothbrush to floss in between teeth

Flossing begins:

A. when 2 baby teeth touch

B. when all permanent teeth have erupted

C. when the child starts school

D. during the teenage years

before using a sponge swab you need to:

A. check the care plan

B. make sure the foam pad is tight on the stick

C. make sure it has soft bristles

D. read the manufacturer’s instructions

Which statement about dentures is correct:

A. they are slippery when wet

B. they are durable and are typically unharmed if dropped onto a hard surface

C. they warp in cool water

D. they are the center’s property


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