Medical Quiz

Biodiversity Conservation Quiz

What is Conservation?

A. Protection of environment from climate change

B. Protection of organisms and environment from harmful affect of humans

C. Destruction of environments from climate change

D. Destruction of organisms and environment from harmful affect of humans

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Type 1 Diabetes Thyroid Disease T Cells EM Spectrum Health Related Fitness Respiratory System Pulmonology Transportation Laboratory Careers Bones Anatomy Nucleic Acids Dental Caries Blood Pressure Disease and Immunity

Other quiz:

Skeletal System › View

The following are some ways of keeping our bones healthy and strong except.

A. Eat the proper kinds of foods

B. have too much exposure to sunlight

C. Have enough exercise and rest

D. Maintain proper posture

E. Keep safe

Med Term Musculoskeletal › View

refers to the study of several conditions that affect the joints, tendons, muscle, ligaments, bones, and muscles

A. osteopathy

B. rheumatology

C. rheumatologist

D. orthotics