Medical Quiz

EM Spectrum Quiz


Which colour has lower frequency?

A. Green

B. Blue

Arrange the following EM waves from highest frequency to lowest frequency.

A. Gamma ray > Ultraviolet radiation > Infrared radiation > Radio wave

B. Radio wave > Infrared radiation > Ultraviolet radiation > Gamma ray

C. Gamma ray > Infrared radiation > Ultraviolet radiation > Radio wave

D. Radio wave > Ultraviolet radiation > Infrared radiation > Gamma ray

Which of the following EM waves is used in TV remote control?

A. Radio waves

B. Microwave

C. Infrared radiation

D. Ultraviolet radiation

Which of the following EM waves has greater diffraction effect?

A. Radio waves

B. Microwave

Which of the following EM waves travels fastest in vacuum?

A. Gramma ray

B. Radio waves

C. Visible light

D. X ray

E. None of above

Which of the following EM waves is used to check fake banknotes?

A. X ray

B. Microwave

C. Infrared radiation

D. Ultraviolet radiation

Which of the following EM waves is used in Radar?

A. Radio waves

B. Microwave

C. Infrared radiation

D. Ultraviolet radiation

Which of the following EM waves is released by human body?

A. Infrared radiation

B. visible light

C. X ray

D. ultraviolet radiation

Which of the following EM wave is NOT ionizing radiation?

A. Infrared radiation

B. ultraviolet radiation

C. gamma ray

D. X ray

EM wave is ……

A. transverse wave

B. longitudinal wave

Which of the following EM waves has higher penetrating power?

A. X ray

B. Gamma ray

Which colour has shorter wavelength?

A. Green

B. Red


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