Medical Quiz

Cosmetology Quiz

What is a light, continuous, stroking movement with the fingers or palms?

A. Fulling

B. Kneading

C. Petrissage

D. Effleurage

Select your answer:


Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Perioperative Nursing Care History of Psychology Careers in Health Care Pathology Endocrine Parkinson Disease Eye Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Parts of Human Body Cosmetology Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Burns and Skin Cancer Vision & Hearing Health Related Fitness Genes, Chromosomes and Genome

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A. Non-Communicable

B. Communicable

C. Both

D. Neither

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The age-adjusted formula for finding your MHR is 220 minus a person’s:

A. Age

B. Height

C. Weight

D. Body Mass Index