Medical Quiz

Branches of Microbiology Quiz

Phycology is the study of…

A. fish

B. fungi

C. bacteria

D. algae

Select your answer:


Musculoskeletal Diseases Human Eye Medical Vocabulary Blood Vision (AP Psych) Cosmetology -ology Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels HCMA - Hematology Parkinson Disease Vascular Surgical Nutrition Pharmacology Vitamins The Cell Cycle Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher

Other quiz:

Nutrition › View

We eat carbohydrates for

A. good bones

B. healthy growth

C. immunity

D. energy

Psychopathology › View

Compared with the general population, people with a relative who has OCD have a x5 greater risk of having OCD at some point in their lives. Who found this to be true?

A. Soomro

B. Nestadt

C. Gottesman

D. Rosenhan