Medical Quiz

DNA Replication Quiz

The picture below shows the steps of DNA replication beginning with step one and ending with step three.

​Because you are reusing the old, or parent, DNA strand DNA replication is said to be
A. Semi- Conservative

B. Semi-discontinuous

C. Continuous

D. Fully-Conserveative

Select your answer:


Functional Anatomy in Track & Field Muscular Bones and Muscles Myocarditis Vitamins Genes and Cells The Nervous System and The Senses Cell Cycle Problems Joints & Movement Virus Physical Education and Health Musculoskeletal LE Muscular System Movements Genetics and Censorship Epithelial Tissue

Other quiz:

Cardiopulmonary › View

A patient recovering from surgery for triple coronary artery bypass grafts is scheduled to begin a phase III cardiac rehabilitation program. During the resistance portion of the circuit training program, whys should the patient be instructed to AVOID the Valsalva maneuver?

A. To avoid elevating the heart rate and blood pressure

B. To avoid accumulation of peripheral fluid and resulting edema

C. Because it may produce slowing of pulse and increased venous pressure

D. Because a cholinergic or vagal response may occur

Muscular System Movements › View

Type of movement that decreases the angle of the joint

A. inversion

B. flexion

C. supination

D. rotation