Medical Quiz

Medical Terminology Quiz

What is the proper word the following: hypo-, -emia, glyc/o,

A. Hypoglycemia

B. Hypo-glyc/o-emia

C. Hypo–emiaglyc/o

D. Hypoeniaglcyo

Select your answer:


Terms for The Skeletal System Cell Transport Musculoskeletal Nail Enhancement Tissues Children Well-being Stress and Mental Health Cellular Transport and Metabolism Anatomy: Muscle Diseases of The Nervous System Living Organisms Nutrition in Humans and Animals Disease & Immunity Inflammation and Tissue Repair Dermatosis

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Why is energy giving food is important?

A. It is not good for us

B. We like it

C. It is sweet

D. It gives us energy to work and play

Breath › View

Regional discrepancy between alveolar ventilation and capillary blood flow leads to a violation;

A. diffusion capacity of the lungs

B. lung perfusion capacity

C. alveolar hypoventilation

D. alveolar hyperventilation

E. ventilation-perfusion relations