Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

A. Pumps blood to the body

B. Pumps blood to the lungs

C. Receives blood from the body

D. Receives blood from the lungs

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular and Respiratory Transportation in Organisms Transportation Muscle Anatomy Health and Diseases Circulatory and Respiratory System Cosmetology Anatomy Psoriasis Medicinal use of Microorganisims Skin Growth Human Genetics Disease and Immunity Parts of Human Body Tracheostomy Care Human Circulatory System

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Which unique structure is found only in plant cells?

A. Cilia

B. Flagella

C. Lysosome

D. Chloroplast

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What happened that allowed cells to be studied?

A. Cells increased in size.

B. Scientists began to work together.

C. Scientists became smarter.

D. The microscope was invented and improved.