Medical Quiz

Muscle Anatomy Quiz


How does the sarcomere shorten (contract) ?

A. The myosin filaments contract

B. The actin filaments contract

C. The myosin is pulled by the actin

D. The actin is pulled by the myosin

What is the name of the neurotransmitter released at a neuromuscular junction?

A. Calcium

B. Acetylcholine

C. Dopamine

D. Troponin

According to the sliding filament theory, how does muscle contraction occur?

A. Both thick and thin filaments shorten as the muscle contracts.

B. Myosin heads attach and detach from thin filaments, causing thin filaments to shorten.

C. A bands bunch up and shorten as myosin heads attach to thin filaments.

D. Myosin cross bridges pull thin filaments, causing them to slide.

The plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle cell is called the ________.

A. myofilament

B. sarcoplasmic reticulum

C. sarcoplasm

D. sarcolemma

What two chemicals are necessary for muscle contraction to occur?

A. Niacin and Potassium

B. Calcium and ATP

C. Sodium and Potassium

D. Acetylcholine and Potassium

What is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum?

A. Inorganic phosphate


C. Calcium


What is necessary for the myosin to release the actin?


B. Calcium


D. Sodium

he A band within a myofibril is indicated by ________.

A. Label A

B. Label B

C. Label C

D. Label D

The I band within a skeletal muscle fiber is indicated by ________.

A. Label A

B. Label B

C. Label C

D. Label D

What is the name of the thick myofilaments?

A. Actin

B. Myosin

C. Myoglobin

D. Titan

The mechanical force of contraction is generated by ________.

A. shortening of the thin filaments

B. the temporary disappearance of thin filaments

C. shortening of the thick filaments

D. a sliding of thin filaments past thick filaments

The Headlines read: The anatomy class killed Mr. Cobb! First emotionally, and then physically. It was a gruesome scene, because Mr. Cobb put up a pretty good fight with his trusty stapler and bones from the dismembered skeleton. Anyway, after they killed him, they threw his body out the window in defiance in the celebration of his death. After a few hours his lifeless body began to stiffen. What is going on with Mr. Cobb’s body?

A. tetanus

B. cramps

C. rigor mortis

D. lactic acid buildup

During skeletal muscle contraction, to what do myosin heads bind?

A. the H zone

B. Z discs

C. actin filaments

D. myosin filaments

The H zone is represented by ________.

A. Label A

B. Label B

C. Label C

D. Label D

The muscle fiber (cell) is indicated by ________.

A. Label C

B. Label B

C. Label A

D. Label D

___ and ___ are regulatory proteins bound to actin.

A. Myosin and actin

B. Glycogen and hemoglobin

C. Calcium and oxygen

D. Troponin and tropomyosin

The epimysium is represented by ________.

A. Label B

B. Label D

C. Label A

D. Label C

A mitochondria’s role in muscle contraction is the production of…

A. Synthesis of ATP

B. Metabolism of ATP

C. Synthesis of Proteins

D. Metabolism of Worn out Proteins

Which of the following puts the structures of the muscle in order from largest to smallest?

A. Whole muscle, muscle fiber, actin & myosin, myofibril, muscle fasicle

B. Whole muscle, muscle fasicle, muscle fiber, myofibril, actin & myosin

C. Whole muscle, muscle fiber, muscle fasicle, myofibril, actin & myosin

D. Whole muscle, muscle fasicle, muscle fiber, actin & myosin, myofibril

When a muscle contracts, it _______

A. gets longer

B. gets shorter

C. gets thinner

D. grows hair

Why are calcium ions necessary for skeletal muscle contraction?

A. Calcium ions cause ATP binding to actin.

B. Calcium ions release the inhibition on Z discs.

C. Calcium ions trigger the binding of myosin heads to actin filaments.

D. Calcium ions increase the speed of the action potential transmitted along the sarcolemma.

The myofilament composed of actin is indicated by ________.

A. Label A

B. Label C

C. Label D

D. Label B

What is the name of the place where a nerve meets a muscle fiber

A. Nerve junction

B. Neuromuscular junction

C. Muscle junction

D. Crossbridge

What organelle wraps and surrounds the myofibril and stores calcium?

A. sarcoplasmic reticulum

B. cross bridge

C. sarcomere

D. sarcolemma

What causes the muscle to stop contracting?

A. Lack of effort

B. Myosin-Heads fail to attach

C. Calcium Ions are pumped away

D. Muscle fibre tears


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