Medical Quiz

Genetics Quiz

The physical look or the organism, such as brown eyes

A. genotype

B. phenotype

C. Dominant

D. Recessive

Select your answer:


Sense of Sight Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Cell Membrane and Transport Muscles and Movements Cardio and Resp Disorders Organelles Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Kidney - Loop of Henlé Pathophysiology of Injuries and Diseases The Blood Infectious Disease Shoulder Food System & Nutrients Anatomy Bones Skeletal System Histology, Bone Repair Joints

Other quiz:

Blood › View

A type of white blood cell that ingests and destroys bacteria.

A. Eosinophils

B. Basophils

C. Macrophages

D. Lymphocytes

Urinary System › View

How does blood leaving the kidneys compare to blood entering the kidneys?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D