Medical Quiz

Thyroid Gland Quiz


What supply is needed for a correct functioning of thyroid ?

A. Iodine

B. Calcium

C. Vitamin C

D. Sugar

The released of the thyroid hormone is controlled by

A. Aniturary

B. Hypothalamus

C. Occipital

D. Temporal

Where is thyroid gland located ?

A. In the neck

B. At the base of the spine

C. In the abdomen

D. In the brain

Why do thyroid hormones affect every cells in the body ?

A. Thyroid hormones don’t affect every cells

B. They don’t need thyroid hormones

C. They need energy to survive

D. None of these above

If the pregnancies get hyperthyroidism, will the newborn be affected?



What is Hashimoto’s disease treatment ?

A. Use of medication

B. No treatment

What causes hyperthyroidism ?

A. T4 > T3

B. Inflammation of the thyroid gland

C. None of these above

D. All of these above

What supply is needed for a correct functioning of thyroid ?

A. Iodine

B. Calcium

C. Vitamin C

D. Sugar

Why do thyroid hormones affect every cells in the body ?

A. Thyroid hormones don’t affect every cells

B. They don’t need thyroid hormones

C. They need energy to survive

D. None of these above

What causes hyperthyroidism ?

A. T4 > T3

B. Inflammation of the thyroid gland

C. None of these above

D. All of these above

What system does the thyroid gland belong to?

A. Endocrine

B. Digestive

C. Nervous

D. Respiratory

How does thyroid affect the body ?

A. Body temperature

B. Heart rate

C. Blood pressure

D. All of these above

What system does the thyroid gland belong to?

A. Endocrine

B. Digestive

C. Nervous

D. Respiratory

What does hyperthyroidism mean ?

A. The thyroid gland is underactive

B. The thyroid gland is overactive

C. The thyroid gland reduces blood pressure

Weight loss, rapid heart rate, and heat sensitivity are likely symptoms of…

A. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)

B. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)

C. Thyroid cancer

D. All of these above

The released of the thyroid hormone is controlled by

A. Aniturary

B. Hypothalamus

C. Occipital

D. Temporal

If the pregnancies get hyperthyroidism, will the newborn be affected?



Weight loss, rapid heart rate, and heat sensitivity are likely symptoms of…

A. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)

B. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)

C. Thyroid cancer

D. All of these above

What does hyperthyroidism mean ?

A. The thyroid gland is underactive

B. The thyroid gland is overactive

C. The thyroid gland reduces blood pressure

What is Hashimoto’s disease treatment ?

A. Use of medication

B. No treatment

How does thyroid affect the body ?

A. Body temperature

B. Heart rate

C. Blood pressure

D. All of these above

Where is thyroid gland located ?

A. In the neck

B. At the base of the spine

C. In the abdomen

D. In the brain


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