Medical Quiz

Lymphatic System Quiz


What do Lymph Nodes do?

A. Filter blood

B. Filter substances that travel through the lymphatic fluid

C. Filter lymph

The Thymus is a primary lymphoid organ



To what part of the lymphatic system is the arrow pointing?

A. Thymus

B. Lymph nodes

C. Tonsils

What types of tissues does the spleen consist of?

A. White pulp and red pulp

B. Red pulp

C. White pulp

What part of the lymphatic system filters foreign material from blood and destroys old red blood cells?

A. Spleen

B. Thymus

C. Lymph nodes

D. Lymphatic vessels

Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system?

A. Lymph nodes destroy old red blood cells.

B. Lacteals transport fatty acids and glycerol from the small intestine.

C. Lymph vessels return interstitial fluid into the circulatory system

D. Lymph transports lymphocytes throughout the body

The thymus plays a key role in _______ life

A. early

B. late

Which of the following is NOT found in the lymphatic system?

A. Tonsils

B. Lymph node

C. Lacteal

D. Thoracic duct

E. Heart

Lymph enters the bloodstream from the collecting ducts at the:

A. Aorta

B. Hepatic Veins

C. Pulmonary Veins

D. Subclavian Veins

The condition shown when there is accumulation of interstitial fluid in the body tissue.

A. Edema

B. Inflamation

C. Thrombosis

D. Blood clot

T cells avoid invading substances



Which of the following comparisons between a vein and lymphatic vessel is correct?

A. lymphatic vessel =Platelets present vein=Platelets absent

B. lymphatic vessel =Erythrocytes absent vein=Erythrocytesp resent

C. lymphatic vessel =Leucocytes absent vein=Leucocytes present

D. lymphatic vessel =Valves absent vein=Valves present

The tiny oval shaped lymph structure located throughout the body are known as?

A. Lymph nodes

B. Spleen

C. Lymph fluid

Which colour is the lymphatic system?

A. Blue

B. Green

C. Purple

D. Red

Which system includes the Spleen and Tonsils?

A. Digestive

B. Lymphatic

C. Endocrine


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