Medical Quiz

Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Quiz


spherical bacteria

A. cocci

B. flagella

C. spirilla

D. bacilla

When a virus binds to the cell membrane of a host cell.

A. Attachment

B. Entry

C. Replication

D. Assembly

E. Lysis and Release

What is the name of this virus

A. Capsule

B. Helical

C. Bacteriophage

D. Teva (my dog)

Viruses require a host cell to

A. Breathe and eat

B. Replicate

C. Move and sleep

D. Make protein and carbohydrates

long and spiral-shaped bacteria

A. cocci

B. flagella

C. spirilla

D. bacilla

Immunity is

A. an organism’s ability to go through gene therapy

B. the process of getting a vaccine

C. the use of antibiotics to resist infection

D. an organism’s ability to resist infection using antibodies

The organism that a virus enters and uses is called a 

A. host

B. parasite

C. guest

D. brujeria

Which viral life cycle kills its host cell by breaking it open?

A. lytic

B. lysogenic

A viral life cycle that begins like the lytic cycle, but forms proviruses and can stay hidden in human cells.

A. Lysogenic

B. Lysis and Release

C. Retrovirus

D. White Blood Cells

rod-shaped bacteria

A. cocci

B. flagella

C. spirilla

D. bacilla

A viruses are considered

A. Living

B. Non-living

What is a vaccine?

A. a girl’s name.

B. something that helps the body fight viruses.

C. a purple fruit from France.

D. something completely different.

What is the job of the cell wall in bacteria?

A. To provide protection

B. To make protiens

C. To hold organelles in place

D. To hold water and nutrients

When a virus enters a cell and it immediately makes copies of itself this is called _______________________________.

A. remediation

B. replica

C. replication

Protein coat surrounding a virus.

A. Capsid


C. Provirus

D. Vaccine

What process splits one single-celled organism into two single-celled organisms?

A. binary fission

B. binary fusion

C. analog fission

D. analog fusion

When new viruses burst out of a host cell.

A. Attachment

B. Entry

C. Replication

D. Assembly

E. Lysis and Release

What process is this?

A. phagocytosis

B. lytic cycle

C. lysogenic cycle

D. formation of antibodies

Poisoning that you can get from certain types of food is called

A. Botulism

B. Dyptheria


D. Giardia

a virus is __________ a cell.

A. bigger than

B. smaller than

C. the same size as

D. another word for

Disease causing agents are called…

A. Bad Things

B. Antibodies

C. Pathogens

D. Antibiotics

A weakened form of a virus used to prevent viral infection for a specific disease.

A. Capsid


C. Provirus

D. Vaccine

A virus acts like a…

A. leukocyte

B. parasite

C. parachute

D. paramedic

Antibiotics work to cure viruses?



hairlike parts that help bacteria move

A. flagelle

B. bacilli

C. cocci

D. spirilla


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