Medical Quiz

Vital Signs Quiz


Which of the following is the normal range for pulse?

a. 60-100

b. 80-100

c. 12-20

d. 60-80

A pulse site at the neck

A. carotid

B. temporal

C. popliteal

D. femoral

How is blood pressure recorded?

A. A fraction

B. A decimal

C. A large number

D. A small number

If you have an elevated one of these, you may have a fever. Which vital sign attributes to a fever?
A. Heart rate
B. Blood pressure
C. Temperature
D. Respiration rate

Which is considered an elevated temperature?
A. Aural 37.2 C
B. Axillary 38.4 C
C. Oral 37 C
D. Rectal 37.8 C

What is the normal range for systolic blood pressure?

a. 100-140

b. 90-110

c. 100-120

d. 60-80

Of the following, which person is MOST likely to develop hypertension based on risk factors?
A. Underweight 12-year-old Indian female student
B. Obese 40-year-old African American male smoker
C. 30-year-old Asian male distance runner who works as an air traffic controller
D. 45-year-old Caucasian mother of triplets who is on a low carbohydrate diet

Which patient is the BEST candidate for an oral temperature?
A. 1-year-old healthy infant
B. 16-year-old receiving his annual physical exam
C. 21-year-old patient on seizure precautions
D. 62-year-old comatose patient

Vital signs are important because they…
A. Are a requirement doctors must make for every patient
B. Signify if your brain is functioning properly
C. Are clues for diagnosing illnesses and diseases
D. All choices

In which procedure is lubricant required?
A. Aural temperature
B. Rectal temperature
C. Blood pressure
D. Pulse/respirations

What vital sign is being taken?
A.     Body temperature
B.     Pulse rate
C.     Respiration Rate
D.     Blood pressure

A slow heart rate of less than a 60 bpm

A. tachycardia

B. bradcardia

C. tachypnea

D. bradypnea

What is the pulse?

A. Taking oxygen into the body through the lungs.

B. The average body temperature in human beings.

C. Number of heartbeats per minute.

What is the blood pressure in the picture?
A.     118
B.     118/78
C.     78
D.     78/70
E.     70

Identify the pulse points at letter i
A.     temporal
B.     brachial
C.     pedal
D.     carotid

What is a “normal” blood pressure

A. 120/110 mmHg

B. 120/80 mmHg

C. 100/80 mmHg

D. 140/80 mmHg

If a patient has been drinking hot coffee you should wait____ before taking a temp
A. 5 mins
B. 15mins
C. 20 mins
D. 10 mins

Where is radial (wrist) pulse measured?

A. On the pinky finger side of the patient’s wrist

B. Only on the left wrist

C. In the middle of the wrist

D. On the thumb side of the patient’s wrist

Which number is the brachial pulse?
A.     2
B.     6
C.     4
D.     5

The following are routes to take a temperature EXCEPT …

A. oral

B. temporal

C. axillary

D. femoral

Which tool is used to measure blood pressure?
A. Arm cuff and stethoscope
B. Thermometer
C. Scale

Systolic and diastolic pressure are measured in units of

A. mmHg

B. mimg

C. mhg

D. Pounds per Meter

Respiration means _________________?

A. one expiration

B. one inspiration

C. one inspiration and expiration

D. hold breath

A nursing assistant notes a patient’s blood pressure to be 148/96. Which is the BEST action the assistant can take?
A. Tell the patient the blood pressure reading
B. Report the reading to the patient’s nurse
C. Wait 15 minutes and repeat the procedure
D. Immediately repeat the procedure in the other arm

The LEAST accurate route for measuring temperature is:
A. Aural
B. Axillary
C. Oral
D. Rectal


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