Medical Quiz

Meiosis and intro to Genetics Quiz

A male shark has 40 chromosomes in each of its sex cells. How many would be present in its body cells?
A. 20
B. 40
C. 80
D. 160

Select your answer:


Homeostasis and Disease Medical Careers Nervous / Sensory System Children Well-being Bacteria Structure Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular Transplantation Immunology Neuron Structure Digestion Health and Hygiene Human Body and Pathogens Food and Nutrition Deficiency Diseases Nutrition and Calorific Value

Other quiz:

Neurological Disorders › View

What is the most common type of MS?

A. Secondary progressive MS

B. Relapsing remitting MS

C. Primary progressive MS

D. Benign

The Nervous System and The Senses › View

Even though Khing loves to sleep, her heart still beats and lungs still breathe. Which part of her brain controls this?

A. cerebellum

B. cerebrum

C. brain stem

D. optical nerve