Medical Quiz

Deficiency Diseases Quiz


Name the disease

A. Rickets

B. Osteoporsis

C. Obesity

We get Vitamin A from Iodized Salt.



Ram went to the doctor. The doctor asked him to have a lot of dairy products. What deficiency disease did he suffer from ?

A. Anaemia

B. Scurvy

C. Rickets

Write the vitamin which is connected with the deficiency disease.


A. Vitamin K

B. Vitamin E

C. Vitamin B

D. Vitamin D

Write the vitamin which is connected with the deficiency disease.

Anaemia ____________

A. Phosphorus

B. Iodine

C. Goitre

D. Iron

Write the vitamin which is connected with the deficiency disease.

Night blindness ___________

A. Vitamin A

B. Iron

C. Vitamin K

D. Calcium

What is the condition known as, in which the body does not get its fair share of nutrients, either from starvation, or as a result of poor absorption ?

A. Over nutrition

B. Under nutrition

Osteoporosis is mostly caused to Astronauts.



We can get Haemophilia by__________

A. Eating Balanced Diet

B. Eating Vitamin K

C. Eating Vitamin A

D. Not eating Vitamin K

Name the disease

A. Scurvy

B. Anaemia

C. Marasmus

Vitamin A deficiency causes ___________

A. Goitre

B. Beri-Beri

C. Night Blindness

D. Osteoporosis

Deficiency of carbohydrate and protein causes ?

A. Marasmus

B. Obesity

C. Kwashiorkor


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