Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

It is the site of gaseous exchange in human lungs.

A. villi

B. alveoli

C. trachea

D. larynx

Select your answer:


The Teeth Sensory System Key Terms Chronic Diseases PHE Healthy Lifestyle Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Body Defense Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Pathology of Respiratory System Bones The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Vessels Public Health and Genetic Disease Teeths Digestive System (Gastroenterology)

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Pancreas › View

When glucose levels in the blood rise, your brain sends a signal to your pancreas. The pancreas releases insulin, which opens channels in cell membranes to allow glucose to enter the cell, lowering blood sugar levels. 

A. Positive Feedback Response

B. Negative Feedback Loop 

Food Microbiology › View

Which one factor can you see on the spoiled bread?

A. mold on the surface of the bread

B. sour taste

C. the color turned to greenish

D. smell like fish