Medical Quiz

The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Quiz


Which action would be completed by skeletal muscle tissue?

A. kicking a soccer ball

B. increasing the heartbeat

C. moving blood through arteries

D. digesting lunch

a connective tissue that holds bones together

A. cartilage

B. connective tissue

C. ligament

D. joint

The biggest muscle

A. gluteus maximus

B. stapedius muscle

C. sartorius

The hair on Jamal’s arms is standing straight up.

What most likely explains why his hair is behaving this way?
A. He is in a cold area.

B. He is sweating.

C. He is in danger of bacteria.

D. He is receiving information for touch.

Which structure of the skeletal system holds bones together?

A. cartilage

B. ligament

C. joint

Which function is common to skin, hair, and nails?

A. release of waste materials

B. protection from harmful things

C. control of body temperature

D. production of vitamin D

_________ tissues support and bind tissues and organs together.

A. cartilage

B. connective tissue

C. ligament

D. joint

striated, involuntary, helps pump the blood through the body

A. cardiac muscle

B. smooth muscle

C. skeletal muscle

Which describes an interaction within the musculoskeletal system?

A. When a ligament contracts, a tendon will move.

B. When a tendon contracts, a ligament will move.

C. When a bone contracts, a muscle will move.

D. When a muscle contracts, a bone will move.

Identifying Structures of the Musculoskeletal System

Label D
A. ligament

B. cartilage

C. tendon

D. muscle

E. bone

Identifying Structures of the Musculoskeletal System

Label C
A. muscle

B. ligament

C. bone

D. tendon

E. cartilage

The longest muscle in the body

A. gluteus maximus

B. stapedius muscle

C. sartorius

lightweight, inner layer of a bone that contains many small spaces

A. bone marrow

B. spongy bone

C. compact bone

protects the body from harmful bacteria

A. muscles

B. nerve endings

C. oil glands

__________ is a flexible connective tissue that protects bones as the bones rub against each other.

A. ligament

B. connective tissue

C. cartilage

D. joint

When Jacob starts running, his legs move faster and his heart rate increases. Which types of muscles are involved in these changes?

A. Skeletal muscles control his leg movement and smooth muscles control his heart rate.

B. Skeletal muscles control his leg movement and cardiac muscles control his heart rate.

C. Smooth muscles control his leg movement and cardiac muscles control his heart rate.

D. Skeletal muscles control both his leg movement and heart rate.

striated, voluntary, helps body to move

A. cardiac muscle

B. smooth muscle

C. skeletal muscle

Which is a function common to both the muscular and skeletal systems?

A. regulation of body temperature

B. production of blood cells

C. bending of the arm

D. breaking down of food

Which protects nerve endings at the ends of fingers and toes?

A. joints

B. hair

C. nails

D. muscle

The picture represents muscle tissue.

Which type of muscle tissue is pictured?
A. cardiac

B. skeletal

C. smooth

D. striated

Which structure connects muscles to bones?

A. ligament

B. cartilage

C. tendon

D. bone marrow

nonstriated, involuntary, helps food go through digestive tract

A. skeletal muscle

B. smooth muscle

C. cardiac muscle

What is the flexible connective tissue shown in blue?

A. muscle

B. cartilage

C. bone

D. tendon

Identifying Structures of the Musculoskeletal System

Label A
A. bone

B. muscle

C. tendon

D. cartilage

E. ligament

Identifying Structures of the Musculoskeletal System

Label B
A. bone

B. muscle

C. tendon

D. cartilage

E. ligament


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