Medical Quiz

Sensory System Key Terms Quiz


Projections on the tongue that contain taste buds

A. equilibrium

B. cones

C. ossicles

D. papillae

Tiny hairs that move mucous and dust particles from the sinuses to the back of the nose.

A. Cilia

B. Cerumen

C. Pinna

D. Papillae

Three tiny bones in the middle ear that transmit sounds to the cochlea.

A. Eustachian tube

B. Rods

C. Ossicles

D. Pinna

Ear wax

A. Equilibrium

B. Rhinitis

C. Ossicles

D. Cerumen

Eye chart that can be used to measure visual acuity

A. Ishihara test

B. Snellen Eye Chart

C. Stapedectomy

D. Vertigo

The bone and cartilage in the nose that separates the nasal cavity into the two nostrils.

A. Nasal septum

B. Eustachian tube

C. Ossicles

D. Pinna

A type of specialized light-sensitive cell in the retina of the eye that provides side vision and the ability to see objects in dim light (night vision)

A. Rods

B. Cones


A. Pinna

B. Equilibrium

C. Vertigo

D. Cerumen

Canal that connects middle ear to back of the nose and throat

A. Vitreous humor

B. Aqueous humor

C. Equilibrium

D. Eustachian tube

Surgical removal of all or part of the stapes of the middle ear, followed by replacement with a prosthesis.

A. Stapedectomy

B. Myringotomy

C. Rhinitis

D. None of the above.

Small anvil-shaped bone in the middle ear, transmitting vibrations between the malleus and stapes

A. cones

B. rods

C. incus

D. pinna

Inflammation of the tongue

A. Cerumen

B. Glossitis

C. Rhinitis

D. Vertigo

Cells within the retina that are responsible for color vision and function best in bright light.

A. Rods

B. Cones

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose

A. Rhinitis

B. Pinna

C. Cerumen

D. Nasal septum

Surgical opening made in tympanic membrane and tubes placed in ear to drain fluids.

A. Malleus

B. Ossicles

C. Myringotomy

D. Glossitis

A lighted instrument for inspecting the retina and other parts of the eye.

A. Ishihara test

B. Myringotomy

C. Otoscope

D. Ophthalmoscope

Small stirrup-shaped bone that transmits sound vibrations to the oval window of the ear.

A. Stapes

B. Rods

C. Incus

D. Malleus

External part of the ear; also called the auricle.

A. Incus

B. Pinna

C. Otoscope

D. Papillae

Jelly-like substance that fills the posterior chamber.

A. Vitreous humor

B. Aqueous humor

A sensation of spinning dizziness, as though the room or surrounding environment is spinning in circles around the person.

A. Aqueous humor

B. Equilibrium

C. Vertigo

D. Ossicles

Color blindness test

A. Stapedectomy

B. Snellen Chart

C. Otoscope

D. Ishihara test

A lighted instrument used to examine the ear.

A. Otoscope

B. Ophthalmoscope

C. Ishihara tests

D. Myringotomy

Bony cavity in the skull that houses and protects the eyeball.

A. Eustachian tube

B. Vitreous humor

C. Nasal septum

D. Orbital cavity

Become wider, larger or more open

A. Dilate

B. Constrict

To contract or shrink; become smaller

A. Constrict

B. Dilate


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