Medical Quiz

Vessels Quiz


Large diameter, thick-walled arteries that are close to the heart and act as pressure reservoirs are called __________.

A. arterioles

B. veins

C. elastic arteries

D. muscular arteries

Which of the following is true regarding veins?

A. Veins have valves; arteries do not

B. Veins carry blood away from the heart, while arteries carry blood to the heart.

C. Veins have smaller-diameter lumens compared to arteries.

D. Veins are more muscular than arteries.

Which of the following hormones will lower blood pressure?

A. angiotensin II (Ang II)

B. aldosterone

C. antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

D. atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

Edema can be caused by an increase in capillary hydrostatic pressure (HPc) or a decrease in capillary colloid osmotic pressure (OPc).



What pressure is responsible for reabsorption and for pulling fluids into the venous end of capillaries?

A. osmotic pressure in interstitial fluid (OPif)

B. osmotic pressure in capillary (OPc)

C. hydrostatic pressure in a capillary (HPc)

D. hydrostatic pressure in interstitial fluid (HPif)

Which of the following is NOT a vasoconstrictor?


B. norepinephrine

C. antidiuretic hormone

D. Angiotensin II

Continuous capillaries are the most common capillaries in the body.



A muscle that is being regularly contracted during exercise will attract blood flow by dilating arterioles. Which of these factors would contribute to this effect?

A. heat loss from the muscle

B. increased levels of carbon dioxide

C. an increase in sympathetic tone

D. increased levels of oxygen

Which of the following statements describes the significance of blood pressure changes as blood reaches the capillary beds?

A. Blood pressure increases as it reaches the capillary beds because capillaries need a higher blood pressure for filtration activities.

B. Blood pressure drops as it reaches the capillary beds because capillaries depend on the lower pressure to prevent fluid exchange between the capillaries and interstitial space.

C. Blood pressure does not change as blood flows from arteries into capillaries.

D. Blood pressure drops as it reaches the capillary beds because high pressure would rupture them.

What type of vessel is capable of allowing the passage of gases and nutrients though its walls to nourish surrounding tissue?

A. capillaries

B. small veins

C. venules

D. arterioles

Toxic substances absorbed along the digestive tract put stress on the liver because all of the deoxygenated blood from the digestive organs is drained by the __________.

A. renal veins

B. inferior vena cava

C. hepatic portal vein

D. abdominal aorta

Calculate the mean arterial pressure (MAP) for a patient whose systolic blood pressure is 120 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure is 70 mm Hg.

A. 50 mm Hg

B. 87 mm Hg

C. 95 mm Hg

D. 120 mm Hg

e most permeable capillaries, which contain fenestrations and large intercellular clefts, are called __________.

A.  arterioles    

B. fenestrated capillaries

C. sinusoid capillaries

D.  continuous capillaries  

You have a patient with a very low blood pressure of 80/60 mm Hg. What are the possible consequences of this low blood pressure on capillary function?  

A. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) would not be high enough for adequate capillary exchange to occur.

B. Capillaries may rupture

C. Tissues would become ischemic because of lack of adequate perfusion.    

D. Both a and c are correct.  

Which layer of the typical vessel can be regulated to constrict or dilate the lumen?

A. vasa vasorum

B. tunica media

C. tunica externa

D. tunica intima

Which of the following organs would experience decreased blood flow during exercise?

A. skeletal muscles

B. kidneys

C. skin

D. brain

At what point would we definitely not be able to measure the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure?

A. elastic arteries

B. capillaries

C. arterioles

D. muscular arteries

Which layer of the typical blood vessel is constructed from simple squamous epithelium?

A. tunica externa

B. tunica intima

C. tunica media

Arteries always carry oxygenated blood away from the heart.




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