Medical Quiz

Atoms and Radioactivity Quiz

This particle determines what element you have – the elements identity.
A. electron
B. proton
C. neutron
D. valence shell

Select your answer:


Disease, Illness and Sickness The Human Body Pancreas Eyes and Hearing Human Organs Trichology Medical Terminology Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Ankle Injuries Homeostasis Careers in Health Care Kidney - Loop of Henlé Lungs Hospital Departments Bones

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Physical injuries, like a major car accident, can be very dangerous to nervous system health. How?

A. the nerves will communicate slower

B. pain receptors activate during physical injuries

C. damaged nerves cannot send or receive signals

D. the driver will be very upset about their destroyed car

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Allergy shots would be given with which of the following types of needle?

A. Large-bore needle

B. A fine, long needle

C. A fine, short needle

D. A flexible needle