Medical Quiz

Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Quiz


Erythrocytes have a _______ shape that increases its oxygen carrying capacity.

A. spiral

B. sickle

C. biconcave

D. spherical

This is a blood smear. What type of cell is indicated by the YELLOW arrow?

A. erythrocyte (RBC)

B. megakaryocyte

C. leukocyte (WBC)

D. thrombocyte (platelet)

This is a blood smear. What type of cell is indicated by the RED arrow?

A. erythrocyte (RBC)

B. megakaryocyte

C. leukocyte (WBC)

D. thrombocyte (platelet)

Another name for white blood cell is

A. erythrocyte

B. plasmocyte

C. leukocyte

D. thrombocyte

Identify the substance labeled “A” in this vial of blood.

A. Buffy Coat (platelets and WBCs)

B. Formed Elements (RBC)

C. Plasma

Which of the following is NOT a primary function of blood?

A. help fight disease

B. transports nutrients, oxygen, wastes, and hormones

C. to provide structure

D. distributes heat

What is the function of a thrombocyte?

A. functions in transport of oxygen bound to hemoglobin and also transports small amounts of carbon dioxide

B. needed for blood clotting; initiates the clotting cascade by clinging to a torn vessel

C. defends the body against infection and disease by ingesting foreign materials or by producing antibodies

White blood cells can be classified as granulocytes or agranulocytes. Which type is shown with letter B?

A. granulocytes

B. agranulocytes

Another name for red blood cell is

A. erythrocyte

B. hemocytoblast

C. leukocyte

D. thrombocyte

Formed elements (RBCs) make up ______% of blood.

A. <1% B. 45% C. 55% D. 0%

Plasma makes up ~______% of blood.

A. <1% B. 45% C. 55% D. 0%

The Buffy Coat (WBC and platelets) makes up ~______% of blood.

A. <1% B. 45% C. 55% D. 0%

_________is/are the fluid matrix found in blood.

A. White blood cells

B. Red blood cells

C. Formed elements

D. Plasma

Which blood cell contains hemoglobin?

A. Erythrocytes (RBC)

B. Leukocytes (WBC)

C. Thrombocytes (platelets)

Erythrocytes are ___________.

A. multinucleate

B. uninucleate

C. anucleuate

Identify the substance labeled “C” in this vial of blood.

A. Buffy Coat (platelets and WBCs)

B. Formed Elements (RBC)

C. Plasma

Erythrocytes contain the protein ______ that carries oxygen.

A. hemoglobin

B. melanin

C. keratin

D. collagen

The study of blood is called

A. endocrinology

B. hematology

C. neurology

D. dermatology

What is the function of a leukocyte?

A. functions in transport of oxygen bound to hemoglobin and also transports small amounts of carbon dioxide

B. needed for blood clotting; initiates the clotting cascade by clinging to a torn vessel

C. defends the body against infection and disease by ingesting foreign materials or by producing antibodies

What is the function of a erythrocyte?

A. functions in transport of oxygen bound to hemoglobin and also transports small amounts of carbon dioxide

B. needed for blood clotting; initiates the clotting cascade by clinging to a torn vessel

C. defends the body against infection and disease by ingesting foreign materials or by producing antibodies

Which of the following are cell fragments not whole cells?

A. erythrocyte (RBC)

B. leukocyte (WBC)

C. thrombocyte (platelet)

Blood is a classified as a _________ tissue because there are cells embedded in a lot plasma matrix.

A. epithelial

B. connective

C. muscular

D. nervous

Where does blood cell formation (hematopoiesis) take place, producing new blood cells?

A. red bone marrow

B. yellow bone marrow

C. elastic cartilage

D. articular cartilage

Identify the substance labeled “B” in this vial of blood.

A. Buffy Coat (platelets and WBCs)

B. Formed Elements (RBC)

C. Plasma

White blood cells can be classified as granulocytes or agranulocytes. Which type is shown with letter A?

A. granulocytes

B. agranulocytes


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