Medical Quiz

Genetics Quiz

Which of the following is NOT a trait you can inherit?
A. your athletic ability
B. your eye color
C. your hairstyle
D. your height

Select your answer:


Med Term Musculoskeletal Renal System - Pharmacology Cells & Body Systems Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Nursing Vocabulary The Skeletal System Heredity Coronary Heart Diseases Pathophysiology - Adaptive Immunity Human Organ System Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Body Systems Blood and Hematology Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems World Health Day

Other quiz:

Biotechnology › View

Which of the following describes why primers must be added to the thermocycler during a PCR?

A. Polymerase requires an open 3′ end

B. Polymerase requires RNA for signaling

C. Polymerase requires an RNA template

D. Polymerase requires an open 5′ end

Integumentary System › View

Ultraviolet radiation can damage the DNA in skin cells, causing those cells to grow and divide uncontrollably. this is called

A. a mole

B. sun burn

C. skin cancer