Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

The direction blood is carried through the pulmonary artery
A. afferent
B. efferent

Select your answer:


Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance EMR - Trauma Urinary System Medical Terms Histology - Tissues Orthopedics Immune Response Lymphatic System Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Cell Transport Vocabulary - Health Cell Division CABG Surgery Oronasal Suctioning Bacteria & Disease Muscoskeletal Injuries

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Human Anatomy Study Guide › View

The ability of an organism to create offspring is ___________________________________

A. reproduction

B. evolution

C. development

D. growth

Immunology › View

You have a patient who makes autoantibodies against his own red blood cells, leading to hemolysis.  Which one of the following mechanisms is MOST likely to explain the hemolysis?

A. Neutrophils release proteases that lyse the red cells.

B. Perforins from cytotoxic T cells lyse the red cells.

C. Complement is activated, and membrane attack complexes lyse the red cells.

D. Interleukin-8 binds to its receptor on the red cells, which results in lysis of the red cells.