Medical Quiz

EMR - Trauma Quiz


What is the treatment for Compartment Syndrome?

A. Urgent fasciotomy

B. Amputation

C. High dose antibiotics

D. High dose anti-coagulants

Blood leaves the lungs via the Pulmonary ________ and enters the Left __________.

A. Artery, Atrium

B. Artery, Ventricle

C. Vein, Atrium

D. Vein, Ventricle


A. Structure where two or more bones are joined.

B. Excessive stretching and tearing of muscles or tendons.

C. Splint or other methods to keep an injured body part from moving.

D. Method to allow movement to an injured area.


A. Splint or other method to keep an injured body part from moving.

B. Displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint.

C. Excessive stretching and tearing of muscles or tendons. Pulled or torn muscle.

D. Fibrous band that holds bones together at a joint.

broken teeth fragment must be transported to the dental clinic inside the _________ solution or saline.

A. tea

B. milk

C. syrup

D. mineral water

Cartilage is a ___________.

A. Smooth, elastic surface between bones

B. Smooth, elastic surface on bones

C. Hard, inelastic surface between bones

D. Hard, inelastic surface on bones

Bones broken in several places are classified as:

A. angulated

B. comminuted

C. sprain

D. fracture

Massive bleeding can occur due to extreme injuries such as open fractures. When direct pressure does not control bleeding, a ___________ maybe required.

A. gauze

B. sanitizer

C. tourniquet

D. paracetamol

In an explosion, people are injured by flying debris; what type of injuries have they sustained?

A. Primary blast injuries

B. Secondary blast injuries

C. Tertiary blast injuries

D. Miscellaneous blast injuries

Open fractures

A. Fracture that leaves the skin unbroken.

B. The gradual weakening of bones.

C. A break or disruption in bone tissue.

D. Fracture that leaves the skin broken.

Three basic causes for musculoskeletal injuries.

A. Snapping, Bruising and Swelling

B. Screen time, Napping, Overeating

C. Direct force, Indirect force, Twisting force

D. Jumping, Running, Landing

Injuries involving muscles result in _________

A. Sprain

B. Luxation

C. Strain

Tissues or fibers that cause movement of the body parts or organs are called:

A. periosteum

B. muscles

C. cartilage

D. tendons

Muscle injuries resulting from overstretching or overexertion of the muscle are called:

A. sprains

B. strains

C. dislocations

D. sublocations

Which is the correct technique to react for nosebleeds injury?

A. A

B. B

C. A and B are correct

D. A and B are incorrect

According to the Rule of Nines, an adult leg is worth:

A. 18

B. 9

C. 4.5

D. 1

A 35-year-old male suffers a burn injury to his right upper extremity, with areas appearing pale and mottled, non-blanching, though still sensate. What is the type of burn injury described?

A. Superficial burn

B. Superficial partial thickness burn

C. Deep partial thickness burn

D. Full thickness burn

E. Full thickness burn involving fascia/muscle/bone

Black, foul-smelling, tarry stool.

A. Melena

B. Hematemesis

C. Hemoptysis

D. Epistaxis

the 5 types of vehicular crashes are: frontal, rear-end, lateral, rollover, and

A. Diagonal

B. T-bone

C. Rotational

D. Ejection

The best way to give first aid to a person with head injury is by _____________________ and observe the victim closely.

A. giving 5 times back flow

B. compressing chest 30 times

C. giving 2 breathing rescue

D. stabilizing the head and neck

All the following are care steps in treating an ankle or a foot injury except:

A. applying manual traction

B. assessing distal PMS function

C. placing a pillow under the ankle

D. caring for shock

Contusion is also called:

A. Hematoma

B. Epistaxis

C. Coagulation

D. Bruise

Any chemical exposure to the eye should be flushed with a large amounts of __________ and you should call emergency number (911) immediately or send the victim to the hospital.

A. air

B. water

C. milk

D. green tea

Injuries in a tendon result in a _______

A. Rupture

B. Subluxation

Your awareness and concern for potentially serious underlying and unseen injuries.

A. Mechanism of injury

B. Nature of illness

C. Differential Diagnosis

D. Index of suspicion


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