Medical Quiz

Biology Quiz

What did Gregor Mendel study?

A. Mold Spores

B. Pea Plants

C. Sun Flowers

D. Rats

Select your answer:


Ears Biochemistry SCI CH2-1 Compact Bone My Teeth Public Health and Genetic Disease Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Vitamins and Minerals Essential Nutrients Vision & Hearing Psychopathology Forensic Pathology Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Entomology Molecular Biology

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Part of medicine that specializes in diagnosis and treatment of the foot and lower leg.

A. chiropractor

B. prosthetics

C. podiatry

D. dentistry

Human Anatomy and Physiology › View

Which of following processes is the function of the smooth muscle layer of the digestive system?

A. Ingestion

B. Secretion

C. Mixing and propulsion

D. Absorption