Medical Quiz

Psychopathology Quiz


In the worry circuit, which brain region cannot suppresses the worry signals from the OFC because it is damaged?

A. hippocampus

B. amygdala

C. Broca’s area

D. caudate nucleus

What % of population suffers from OCD?

A. 15%

B. 10%

C. 5%

D. 2%

A limitation of failure to function adequately as a definition of abnormality is…

A. Dispositional behaviour may be functional for the individual

B. Distraction behaviour may be functional for the individual

C. Dysfunctional behaviour may be functional for the individual

D. Dysfunctional behaviour may not be functional for the individual

A strength of failure to function adequately as a definition of abnormality is…

A. It does recognise the objective experience of the patient

B. It does recognise the subjective experience of the patient

C. It does recognise the objective experience of others

D. It does recognise the subjective experience of others

This definition of abnormality suggests those whose behaviour is maladaptive to everyday living is abnormal.

A. Deviation from ideal mental health

B. Deviation from social norms

C. Failure to function adequately

D. Statistical infrequency

A limitation of statistical infrequency as a definition of abnormality is…

A. Common behaviours can be statistically infrequent

B. Unusual behaviours can be common

C. Unusual characteristics can be positive

D. Unusual characteristics can be negative

A limitation of deviation from social norms as a definition of abnormality is…

A. Judgments of deviance are related to context

B. Judgments of defiance are related to context

C. Judgments of deviance are culturally relative

D. Judgments of deviance are inconsistent

In the worry circuit explanation of OCD, which brain region sends ‘worry’ signals to the thalamus?

A. hippocampus

B. hypothalamus



A strength of deviation from social norms as a definition of abnormality is…

A. It considers desirable and undesirable behaviour

B. It does not distinguish between desirable and undesirable behaviour

C. It does take into account the effect that behaviour has on others

D. It does not take into account the effect that behaviour has on others

A strength of statistical infrequency as a definition of abnormality is…

A. It is a useful part of a clinical assessment

B. It is a simple definition

C. It is a detailed definition

D. It is a positive definition of abnormality

What gene leads to high levels of dopamine which could also be a cause of OCD?

A. BOMT Gene

B. HOMT Gene

C. COMT Gene

D. SOMT Gene

A strength of deviation from ideal mental health as a definition of abnormality is…

A. It is an abstract definition of abnormality

B. It is a negative definition of abnormality

C. It is a positive definition of abnormality

D. It is a vague definition of abnormality

This definition of abnormality suggests those who fail to follow the common expectations of behaviour are abnormal.

A. Deviation from ideal mental health

B. Deviation from social norms

C. Failure to function adequately

D. Statistical infrequency

Which is not a limitation of deviation from ideal mental health as a definition of abnormality?

A. Can anyone achieve these criteria?

B. Unlike physical health, the criteria for mental health are subjective

C. Many criteria are culture-bound

D. It is a negative definition of abnormality

The SERT gene leads to what happening?

A. No serotonin being released into synaptic gap at all

B. Too much serotonin being released into synaptic gap so the receptors are overwhelmed

C. Serotonin being taken back into the pre-synaptic neuron too quickly so there is not enough serotonin in synapse for long enough

This definition of abnormality suggests any behaviour outside of the normal range is abnormal.

A. Deviation from ideal mental health

B. Deviation from social norms

C. Failure to function adequately

D. Statistical infrequency

Compared with the general population, people with a relative who has OCD have a x5 greater risk of having OCD at some point in their lives. Who found this to be true?

A. Soomro

B. Nestadt

C. Gottesman

D. Rosenhan

How do anti-depressants (SSRIs) help with OCD?

A. They stop serotonin from being released into the synapse

B. They block the re-uptake channels on the pre-synaptic terminal button to allow more serotonin in the synapse for longer

C. The block the receptor sites on the post synaptic dendrites

D. They attach to the axon to make the electrical impulse travel faster

This definition of abnormality suggests those who do not meet particular criteria for psychological well-being are abnormal.

A. Deviation from ideal mental health

B. Deviation from social norms

C. Failure to function adequately

D. Statistical infrequency


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