Medical Quiz

Anatomy Quiz

A clear and slippery liquid that lubricates the joint and stops the bones rubbing together, is …

A. Bursae

B. Cartilage

C. Synovial Fluid

D. Joint Capsule

Select your answer:


Obstructive Lung Disease Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Food Microbiology Nail Diseases and Disorders Joints & Movement Health issue related to immune system Hematology / Oncology Nail Disorders and Diseases Infection Health and Wellness Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Consciousness and Sleep Hematology Physical Activity Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology

Other quiz:

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What is the purpose of oil glands?

A. Oil inhibits bacteria

B. Oil promotes bacteria

C. Pil regulates the body’s temperature

D. There is no purpose to oil

Teeth and Microbes › View

When you eat, small bits of food get stuck between your teeth.If these bits of food are not removed, small living things called _______ starts growing on them.

A. snails

B. ants

C. germs

D. plants