Medical Quiz

Anatomy Quiz


What type of tissues surrounds the entire muscle


B. Epimysium

C. Perimysium

D. Smooth muscle

How many bones make up the skeleton?
A. 300
B. 200
C. 206
D. 250

A clear and slippery liquid that lubricates the joint and stops the bones rubbing together, is …

A. Bursae

B. Cartilage

C. Synovial Fluid

D. Joint Capsule

Tendons connect

A. to ligaments

B. muscle to muscle

C. Muscles to bones

D. bone to bone

Which one of these muscles is found at the shoulder joint?

A. Deltoid

B. Gastrocnemius

C. Gluteals

D. Tibialis anterior

What neurotransmitter is associated with the muscles:

A. Actin

B. Acetylcholine

C. Perimysium

D. Epimysium

Which bone sits in the middle of the ribs?

A. Clavicle

B. Sternum

C. Vertebrae

D. Scapula

what is the is first

A. actin and myosin form links

B. acetylcholine crosses the gap at the neuromuscular junction

C. calcium is releasted into the sarcolpasm

D. myosin cross-briges pull actin filaments inward

The substance that crosses the gap between a neuron and a muscle fiber is the

A. Neurotransmitter

B. neuron

C. Fascicles

D. Phosphorylation

muscle fibers are made of individual fibers (NOT filaments) called

A. Stay relaxed

B. perimysium

C. myofibrils

D. actinomyosine

What is the name of the bone highlighted in red?

A. clavicle

B. pelvis

C. ribs

D. scapula

The A band is made of

A. Actin

B. Myosin

C. Smooth muscle

D. Myofibril

What cell organelle provides ATP needed for muscle activity

A. Acetylcholine

B. Mitochondria

C. Perimysium

D. Myosin

What are synovial joints also known as?

A. Freely moving joints

B. Freely moveable joints

C. Free to move joints

D. Free moving joints

Bundles of muscle fibers are called

A. Z-lines

B. Threshold stimulus

C. Cardiac muscle

D. Fascicles

In a sarcomere, the I band is made of

A. Myosin

B. Actin

C. Z-lines

D. Origin

Sustained contraction of individual fibers, even when muscles is at rest is known as

A. Neurotransmitter

B. Muscle tone

C. Lactic acid

D. Fascicles

What connects muscle to bone?

A. Ligament

B. Tendon

C. Cartilage

D. Joint Capsule

Poisons such as botulism that prevent the release of acetylcholine would cause muscles to

A. Increase

B. Insertion

C. Stay relaxed

D. Actin

Immovable ends of the muscle is the

A. Origin

B. Insertion

C. Perimysium

D. Epimysium

A tough but flexible tissue that acts as a buffer between the bones, preventing bones rubbing together and causing friction

A. Bursae

B. Joint Capsule

C. Synovial Fluid

D. Cartilage

Which type of connective tissue surrounds fascicles (bundles)

A. Perimysium

B. Epimysium

C. Acetylcholine

D. Myofibril

A person who has a disease that inhibits the production of cholinesterase would have what kind of symptoms

A. Smooth muscle

B. Acetylcholine

C. Muscles that stay contracted

D. Synaptic cleft

The muscle fiber membrane is specialized to form a _____ at the neuromuscular junction

A. Motor end plate

B. Perimysium

C. Epimysium

D. Rigor Mortis

The minimum amount of stimulus required for a muscle contraction to occur is the

A. Smooth muscle

B. Threshold stimulus

C. Stay relaxed

D. Acetylcholine


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